About Us
With over 80 years combined experience in the Company, providing security solutions from one man with a van to large fleet operators, we are well positioned to tailor the optimum solution to fit the risk and budget to a company’s vehicles. We are aware of the methods used to gain entry on each make and model, and are able to offer a range of high quality, cost effective products to meet each level of threat.
With over 3000 vans being broken into each week, the need for companies to protect their valuable cargo is no longer an option. The loss of goods or tools, the repair cost, van off the road, inability to work, insurance premiums and replacement costs, can run into many thousands of pounds. Entry level security can start at as little as £250. The maths makes sound business sense.
Security is a matter of degrees. One product may be no more than 30% effective, another 90%. In such a case, price is irrelevant, for 30% is not worth buying at any price! So for cost to be effective, a product should be judged to offer a degree of effective deterrent that matches the risk. Our long experience in the security sector equips us to be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each product, and empower our clients to make an informed decision best suited to their needs.
As well as theft from vehicles, theft of vehicles is growing rapidly, and can have devastating financial consequences for a business. Electronic keyless entry is becoming common place, with manufacturers having no immediate cure to hand. We have produced hardware solutions to protect the On Board Diagnostic port and Electronic Control Unit from being compromised. In addition, we are able to protect accessible areas such as the Catalytic Converter and spare wheel.
Many of the solutions available are produced by our own group companies. This means that if a new area of risk arises and there is no current remedy available, we are well placed to rapidly address the vulnerability and manufacture often in-house – an effective response.
We are able to offer an in-house or on-site installation service and work with you to minimise the down time of your vehicle movements. Whether you are a fleet operator, a dealership or run an individual vehicle, please contact one of our advisers for advice or a quotation.